
Office24 is one of the European leaders when it comes to distributing office supplies of any kind to businesses and individuals. The specific task was to design and develop a new E-commerce for the brand.

My value:
  • Digital Strategic |
  • Creative Strategic |
  • UX / UI Design  |
  • Desing thinking |
E-commerce Office24: One of the main approaches was the task of designing the mobile environment to be able to satisfy the need of a certain type of user that was not being answered. 40% of mobile users did not have the possibility of having a well-resolved tool to carry out their purchase.
Home page desktop: Nor should you lose the retention of the target audience on the desktop. The main intention was to maintain a clean environment with clear interactions that allowed a dynamic flow.
Home mobile: The mobile interface had to be intentionally simple for fast interaction to be able to quickly buy products without having to enter the product page.
Userflow: From category page to product page to Add to Cart. Likewise, the user could also easily access the produc page to see more in depth the characteristics of each product.
Product page: Product is everything, displayed simply and clearly
Product Category: The design was worked in two columns since our type of User already knows the products that they buy by entering repeatedly. That said, the kind of functionality had to be fast. Add many products to the cart quickly. Go to the checkout and finalize the purchase.

Design system

From the beginning of the project, the brand did not have an established design guide. We set the idea that it had to be simple. The choice of minimal even a single font integrated into the entire customer journey, so that the journey is easy, clear and direct

Primary color

Primary black
Primary green

Secundary color

Green light
Violet light
Yellow light
Sky blue light

Color Notification


Primary color A

Primary color B

Toggle Switch

Radio Button


Wireflow: Screens of the entire customer journey from home to category page until the end of the purchase for a connected user.
Wireflow: Here the screens of all possible interactions of the user with the platform

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